What is the biggest need in your local community the N.D. Legislature should address this session?

The biggest need for the North Dakota Legislature to address is clean energy. Use the natural resources the good Lord put on earth, such as wind and sun. When fossil fuels run out, then what?

Rodney Eberle
KEM Electric Cooperative


The biggest need in our local community the Legislature needs to address this session is the growing inflation and rising property taxes each year.

Another issue would be to address the county and township roads. These roads were built for small machinery, like that used in the 1920s. Machinery is large now and roads can barely accommodate the equipment. All the money going to foreign countries could be well spent in our local townships.

Dorothy Robyt
Northern Plains Electric Cooperative

The Legislature needs to address the charitable gaming issues going on across the state. I recently learned of this dilemma.

It sounds like it used to be a great program for charities to raise money for their causes. Now with the large amount of money gaming provides, it has become a conflict between the bars and the organizations running the gaming.

Jackie Lee
Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative


January: What is the most difficult challenge you faced this past year and how did you overcome it?
Deadline for submission: Dec. 10

February: The North Dakota High School Activities Association has approved a minimum penalty for spectators who are ejected from contests. But what is the BEST act of sportsmanship you have ever witnessed?
Deadline for submission: Jan. 10

Published replies pay $25. Email to ndliving@ndarec.com or mail to READER REPLY, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727.