North Dakota Living 70 years logoAs we wrap up our celebration of 70 years of North Dakota Living, what has been your favorite part of the magazine and why?


We have been members of Verendrye Electric Cooperative for many years and look forward to every issue of North Dakota Living. To specify one favorite part of the magazine would be difficult.

As I open the cover, I am greeted by the editorial by Josh Kramer, a talented writer. I turn the pages to find informative news about my cooperative. More pages turn to “Inspired Living” by Roxanne Henke, who always has a delightful column. Recipes by the North Dakota Living test kitchen hold interest for many. Near the back cover is another interesting column, “Farm Byline,” by Al Gustin. Every article in this magazine holds my interest and I rate them equally. Congratulations to North Dakota Living for 70 years of a job well done.

June Dokken
Verendrye Electric Cooperative


I love North Dakota Living. There is always something interesting in this magazine. I love the Goldenwest Electric Cooperative section, but most of all I love the “Reader Reply” answers, because I learn about that individual and their story!

Thank you for putting together such an interesting, meaningful magazine. I enjoy each one!

Brenda Maus
Goldenwest Electric Cooperative


The REC magazine of the late ’50s and early ’60s was a welcome sight at our house when I was growing up. My favorite part was the recipe section. It was exciting to read new recipes and I would clip them for Mom. One that I clipped over the years is still a desired treat at our home, especially for my grandchildren. It was for chocolate chip cupcakes and was sent in by a woman from Denhoff who belonged to Verendrye Electric Cooperative. I still have the clipped format glued to a recipe card – a bit weathered, but so enjoyed!

In later years, Al Gustin’s writings were deeply appreciated, because they reminded me of days growing up on the farm my dad owned and operated for 40 years.

Thank you, North Dakota Living!

Peggy Zimmerman
Capital Electric Cooperative


North Dakota Living brings out the best in us North Dakotans. When I receive this publication, I am so eager to page quickly through it to see the articles and identify their contents. Who is featured? What is happening in North Dakota this month? This magazine instills in the reader a sense of pride for our state – it makes us feel good about us! It lies on our kitchen island only to be read and reread.

I am always impressed by the photography, illustrations, the color and the beauty of our state that is portrayed – parks, wildlife, flowers and trees, people, traditions and events – and certainly the writing.

It is designed for all levels of readers, as well as their variety of interests. There is something for everyone! Politics, cooperatives, agriculture, energy, recreation, education, calendars of events and even the advertising is so appealing to our senses!

I thank you for this magazine that portrays our state and its people so positively, educates our residents and encourages us to appreciate and explore the wonders of North Dakota!

Alvina Skogen
Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative


My favorite parts of North Dakota Living are “Co-op Country,” then the ads about Medora. Thank you for the 15% discount for your customers. I like the event ads, such as the Killdeer rodeo, Dakota Zoo and others about places to see in North Dakota.

I’ve always enjoyed Josh Kramer’s editorial and the “Reader Reply” questions. Last, I read the articles and the KEM Electric Cooperative section. This is a good, newsy magazine!

Erma Wohl
KEM Electric Cooperative


I have been reading North Dakota Living since 1988, when I married into a farm family who receives power from KEM Electric Cooperative, thus entitling us to the magazine. My favorite part of the magazine has changed over the years.

As a newlywed, I clipped several recipes, which you can still find in my recipe box. After having children of my own, I found myself at the back of the magazine, looking at the cute photos of children on the “Co-op Country” page. As the children grew, I gravitated toward the “Reader Reply” section. I even submitted one myself and had it published. As you can tell, I’m still enjoying what the readers reply.

Now, I first read Josh Kramer’s editorial. We watched Josh grow up down the gravel road from us. What you see is what you get. Josh has always had that contagious smile, conviction and hospitality. I appreciate his opinion, thoughts and outlook on things happening in North Dakota. I love when he reminisces about his past and I enjoy his true-to-life stories about his bride and children. For me, Josh’s editorial is like getting a letter in the mail from an old friend. Keep them coming, Josh.

Ann Bernhardt
KEM Electric Cooperative


I have been receiving North Dakota Living for 45 of the 70 years it has been publishing. My favorite part of the magazine is the local supplement that has articles on what is happening in our local cooperative, North Central Electric Cooperative. I like to learn what the cooperative has been doing to enhance our services. I also enjoy learning more about the community service projects in which the staff is involved, as I am always impressed at how active the cooperative staff is in our local communities. Another favorite feature are the articles that include information on citizens and other events within the cooperative’s area.

One of my favorite articles in the local supplement was the one that focused on an interview with my late father-in-law. Their farm was the first to receive electricity from North Central Electric, and there is a photo of my husband’s grandfather and the co-op manager turning on the electricity at the farm. That home is still using electricity supplied by North Central Electric. The third generation now lives there.

My second favorite part of the magazine are the photos on the last page! Who can resist photos of young children enjoying farm life?

Deb Syvertson
North Central Electric Cooperative


We really enjoy your magazine for many reasons, but there are three things I especially love about it!

The first is your photo page, “Co-op Country.” Why? Who doesn’t relish photos of kiddos, creatures and community! The second thing I love is this section, the “Reader Reply.” Why? Because I delight in hearing from our community, their thoughts, opinions and stories! Third, I really appreciate how you promote North Dakota. Why? Our state has SO much to offer, from small farm communities to the larger cities and everything in-between. You don’t forget that in your magazine!

So, maybe the reason we love your magazine so much is because of what my favorites have in common – COMMUNITY. Community is important. It will not be forgotten in this crazy world. And you, North Dakota Living, promote the best of it! Thanks for that. Congratulations on 70 years!

Brooke Zimmerman
Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative



JULY: What part of North Dakota’s culture do you love to experience the most?
Deadline for submission: June 12

AUGUST: What’s the best advice you can give to keep our farmers and ranchers safe?
Deadline for submission: July 12

We want to hear FROM you: Submissions should be no more than 250 words, typewritten or in legible handwriting. Include your name, complete address, daytime phone number and name of your electric cooperative. Note: Magazine staff reserves the right to make edits and cuts. We pay $25 for each letter we print. Email to or mail to READER REPLY, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727