What are you looking forward to the most this summer?
A few years ago, I started watching baseball games and learning about the game. Then I asked my dad if I could play and be like those athletes on TV, and he said, ‘Only if you play hard and have fun.’ I accepted the challenge and agreed it might take a long time. So, this is my journey learning the sport of baseball.
My first year of baseball was kind of confusing and I was going to give up. But my dad said I just have to wait and practice until I get better, and then it will come easier. The next year came quickly, because I kept practicing and practicing. The game was easier and I was getting better at hitting and fielding. That summer, I recognized if you practice, you can get perfect.
John Devney, 10, is ready to swing for the fences and play baseball again this summer. Courtesy Photo
This summer, I am most looking forward to playing baseball and making more friends. Baseball, and my dad, taught me to never give up right away, and wait a year or so and then decide whether you want to quit or not.
John Devney, age 10
Capital Electric Cooperative
Summer in North Dakota is the best thing ever! All the snow is gone, sports start, watermelons are delicious and pools open!
I love being with my family and friends, baseball and the Minnesota Twins season, going to the pool and the green grass.
I look forward to days when I can play baseball with my family and friends after watching the Twins. There would be green grass, plenty of watermelon and a pool to cool off in afterward.
Everything is so great about summer, I can’t choose one single favorite thing. I cannot wait until it is that time of the year again!
Joanie McCormack, age 11
Capital Electric Cooperative
I am looking forward to being able to finally leaving the house safely.
The COVID-19 vaccine has enabled this 70-something lady to start to reconnect with family and friends. I am not looking to do any major trips yet, just small ones. Visiting my husband’s grave, seeing old friends, going to grandchildren and great-grandchildren parties, and eating a hot meal in a restaurant are just a few of the simple pleasures I have missed. I will not ever take them for granted again.
Charlotte Natwick
North Central Electric Cooperative
There is always so much to do and see in a typical North Dakota summer.
If I had to say what I was looking forward to most this summer, it would have to be taking trips to Lake Metigoshe State Park with my family. Lake Metigoshe always manages to be one of the highlights of my summer. The lake is great for swimming and the park has a lot of beautiful hiking/biking trails.
Being at the park makes me lose track of time. There is no technology to distract me and it is always a shock to realize it’s getting late and we should head home. Overall, Lake Metigoshe State Park is one of the most beautiful nature getaways in North Dakota.
Leona Petrovic
Verendrye Electric Cooperative
Summertime is my favorite time of the year.
It brings me so much cheer.
In the winter, you have to wear a jacket.
In the summer, birds make a lot of racket.
Summer is when birds are back.
Lot of fun is what summer does not lack.
Summer gives you a school break.
It gives you time to go fishing on the lake.
I still like it in the fall.
In the winter, it is usually not warm at all.
If I had to make a call, I would choose summer best of all.
Dalton Hunt, age 10
Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
After our frigid winters and overcast skies that dominate the winter, I am sure many people can agree a little sunshine would be nice. Our harsh winters in North Dakota offer us a little different perspective than that of our southern counterparts. Simply, we know how to enjoy the sun and the heat while it lasts for a short time in the summer.
While sunshine and heat may seem to be a novel and simple concept to look forward to, after the long year we have endured, it is one thing you can always count on. The sun does not hide itself due to COVID-19 restrictions or economic downturn, and it does not disappear due to lack of funding or change in circumstances. The sunshine is a constant you can count on.
Truly, time under the sun is one of the best parts of summer. You do not have to wear many layers to the family barbecue, and you do not have to worry about snow in the forecast before a picnic. Simply put, I look forward to a little time in the sun.
Will Nelson, Jamestown High School student
Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
JUNE: What is your favorite art or cultural site to visit in North Dakota?
Deadline for submission: May 11
JULY: What’s the best advice you can offer a beginning farmer or rancher?
Deadline for submission: June 11
We want to hear FROM you: Submissions should be no more than 250 words, typewritten or in legible handwriting. Include your name, complete address, daytime phone number and the name of the rural electric cooperative to which you belong. Note: Magazine staff reserves the right to make editing changes and cuts. We pay $25 for each letter we print. Email to ndliving@ndarec.com or mail to READER REPLY, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727.