Gracie Rauschenberger

This year, it was me. Next year, it could be you! Going on the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour was the most amazing experience! This trip gave me opportunities upon opportunities.

Last summer, all of North Dakota’s Youth Tour delegates were flown to our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., for a week to learn all about the locations and the people who impacted our nation’s rich history. Our amazing chaperones took us all over the place. We went to the Smithsonian museums, the Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, the National Mall and more.

From Gettysburg to the White House, our trip was packed with so many places to see. I can promise you, I wasn’t bored once while I was on this trip! We saw powerful monuments and went to lots of great museums, but we also did so many things just for fun! We went to the National Zoo, watched a Washington Nationals baseball game, rode on a ferris wheel in National Harbor, and we even got to go on a riverboat cruise down the Potomac River!

I also want to add the food on this trip was awesome! We went to some great restaurants. You will not go hungry on this trip!

But no matter how wonderful the tours and restaurants were, my favorite part of the Youth Tour were the people who I met. I know it sounds cliché, but I really did make some lifelong friends on Youth Tour, and I will be forever grateful for those relationships.

The crazy thing about Youth Tour is all I had to do was write an answer to one thought-provoking question, and the next thing I knew, I was on a free trip in Washington, D.C. Seriously, do not miss your chance to apply. It is so worth it!
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Gracie Rauschenberger, 18, is a senior at South Prairie High School, where she is involved in FFA, speech, drama and student council. She enjoys playing acoustic guitar, making art, going to the lake and spending time with family and friends. She is the daughter of Gabe and Karlee Rauschenberger, who are members of Verendrye Electric Cooperative. During the Youth Tour, she was selected as the Youth Leadership Council delegate from North Dakota.