Dakota Leathernecks open Marine House, west of Mandan.
Appreciating veterans – Dakota Leathernecks open Marine House
Nov. 11 is Veterans Day nationwide, when communities pause and honor all who have served, sacrificed in military service for the United States.
• U.S. Marine Corps veterans remain active, engaged in continuing fellowship, camaraderie through the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) League, a national organization of USMC veterans.
• Work of the Marine Corps League is carried out by local detachments nationwide. In North Dakota, one of these is Dakota Leathernecks Detachment No. 1419, with Tracy L. Schneider, commandant.
“One of the big activities of the Marine Corps League and Dakota Leathernecks is providing camaraderie, for veterans of the Marines, Navy corpsmen and Navy chaplains. We are here to support them; they can come and talk to us.” – Commandant Tracy Schneider
• The Dakota Leathernecks recently completed formidable rehabilitation of a historic 103-year-old structure – originally a school in Price, N.D., later moved and used as a VFW club facility, near Mandan – resulting in a modern, multipurpose local Marine House.
• The Marine House building is served by Mor-Gran-Sou Electric (MGS) Cooperative; the structure was given to Dakota Leathernecks by MGS Electric member Fred Berger, urging Dakota Leathernecks to “make it come to life.”
• During the last three years, Dakota Leathernecks marshaled 5,000 volunteer hours to accomplish removal of 24 tons of building waste and debris, a major rebuild/rehabilitation of the structure, collecting more than $300,000 of in-kind contributions and $65,000 in fundraising, accomplishing through their own labors complete conversion of the structure to a modern meeting and community facility.
“With our Marine House, we have created something very prideful. It is a place of continuing support, for our internal and external outreach, where we have detachment meetings, events and activities, just for our members and their families. And we’ve also opened our doors to the community.” – Ray Morrell, commandant, Marine Corps League, Department of North Dakota.
• Marine House features: 1,000-square-foot main assembly hall, suitable for large and small meetings, gatherings, including broadband connectivity and smart audio/video integration; main floor also features full kitchen, ADA restrooms; basement level features recreation area, conference table, television theater, detachment leadership offices; available for public use, by arrangement with Dakota Leathernecks.
• Marine veteran pride
“To be a proud veteran means you’re proud of your country, you’re proud of what you actually accomplished while you were in the military.”
– Commandant Tracy Schneider
“You look at your service with honor - to the Marines, to the Marine Corps League, and to the community. That is what is instilled in us as Marines.
– Commandant Ray Morrell
For more information: www.dakotaleathernecks.com(link is external).