Electric co-op leaders converged on the Capitol in Bismarck on Jan. 31 for hearings on large electric load siting and wildfire mitigation bills. Photo by NDAREC/Kennedy DeLap
North Dakota electric cooperative leaders have been monitoring bills, testifying on proposed legislation and engaging with policymakers during the 2025 legislative session.
“We’ve had many co-op folks from across the state in Bismarck already this session. They’ve provided expert testimony on large electric load siting and wildfire mitigation and have truly starred in their efforts to advocate on behalf of North Dakota’s electric cooperatives,” says Zac Smith, North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (NDAREC) communications and government relations director.
Some of the key bills NDAREC is monitoring include:
• Public Service Commission (PSC) jurisdiction over large loads (data center bill) – NDAREC opposed House Bill (HB) 1579, which would require large electric load end users to go before the PSC for final approval before being added to the grid. The bill as heard in committee would have added more regulation to an already robust process. Electric cooperative leaders testifying in opposition to HB 1579 included Smith, Matt Hanson from McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Todd Sailer from Minnkota Power Cooperative and Alex Vournas from Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative. PSC Commissioner Randy Christmann testified in support of the bill, while PSC Commissioner Sheri Haugen-Hoffart opposed it.
• Wildfire mitigation and strict liability – Senate Bill (SB) 2339 supports proactive measures to reduce the risk of wildfires and enhance coordination among utilities and fire response agencies. NDAREC worked with legislators and other utilities to introduce this bill. NDAREC’s Josh Kramer and Paul Fitterer from Capital Electric Cooperative testified in favor of SB 2339.
• $1 million appropriation for rural grocery store sustainability – NDAREC Rural Development Director Ellen Huber testified in support of SB 2228 and this continued appropriation, which was first provided in 2023 to support rural grocery stores, advancing the work being done by NDAREC on the subject.
• Fix postal mail delivery issues – House Concurrent Resolution 3006 urges the U.S. Postal Service to address mail delivery issues and poor postal services across the state. North Dakota Living Editor Cally Peterson testified in support of the resolution and shared anecdotes of magazine delivery issues and a decline in rural mail service in recent years.