Last winter arrived early and stayed late, and its influence on wildlife across North Dakota was evident, most notably in the state’s deer herd as

Al Gustin

The debate had already been going for at least a decade, when I produced a half-hour television show, titled “The Spring Wheat Debate,” in November

Roxanne Henke

The conversation went something like this: Mom (my daughter, Rachael): “Axel, you need to put your iPad away and come eat.”

Tim Mahoney

Grace Larson

North Dakota is home to more cultures than many people might think. According to data from the U.S.

Bret Dockter

“You’re letting her do that?”

Al Gustin

If it’s Saturday morning and I’m raking hay, I’m probably listening to the public radio show, “A Way With Words.” It’s described as a program about

blue room

There’s nothing quite like the sound of a small-town dance hall – the rhythmic twang of a guitar, feet waltzing across the floor and the laughter o

Josh Kramer

Like the Kramer family, schools have a back-to-school list.