What is the most difficult challenge you faced this past year and how did you overcome it?

Many say they would like to write a book, which is the easy part. Last May, I decided to write a children’s book and I did. The challenge was to find a publisher who would promote it, rather than someone who would just print it and leave me with many copies to sell.

After several months of searching thousands of companies online, I chose one in September and now the book is promoted on Kindle, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The books are printed when ordered and I also have a website to go with it. I still have to do the marketing, rather than pay someone thousands to do it, but already have had buyers from Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Texas and North Dakota.

In the book, the whimsical characters tell a true story in a school setting. It is the result of one of my Ag in the Classroom presentations, and a second book is already at the publisher. The first is about corn and the other is on peanuts. It is exciting to actually see your name on a book, as other authors know.

Marlene Kouba
Slope Electric Cooperative

The most difficult challenge I faced this past year was admitting I need help. I have been wheelchair-bound for 10 years, and I have prided myself on doing many things for myself, but very slowly. But the clock ticks relentlessly, and time no longer allows me to do much for myself.

“With God, all things are possible.” He kept me alive when I should have died 10 years ago, and he will do this seemingly impossible task, too.

Yvonne Stegner
Formerly of Slope Electric Cooperative



The North Dakota High School Activities Association has approved a minimum penalty for spectators who are ejected from contests. But what is the BEST act of sportsmanship you have ever witnessed?

Deadline for submission: Jan. 10

March: The International Day of Happiness is March 20. What has been your happiest moment?

Deadline for submission: Feb. 10

Published replies pay $25. Email to ndliving@ndarec.com or mail to READER REPLY, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727.