You’re in English class, trying to concentrate on your work, but you just can’t. All your classmates are chitchatting, laughing and apparently having the most heated debates of their lives, all while you’re trying to stay on task. If only there was a way you could tune them all out! The reality is there is a solution, though a lot of teachers will disagree with it: listening to music.
How many clothes do you think you own? How much did they cost? Well, I counted my wardrobe and I have 316 items of clothing, which may seem like a lot. You’re probably thinking I spent a lot on those clothes, too. When you walk into nearly any clothing store, you see jeans for $60, basic T-shirts for $30 and dresses for $55. However, I didn’t spend nearly that much on my wardrobe. Of my 316 pieces, 203 were thrifted for about $3 a piece. For this reason and many more, I realized thrifting is the best way to shop.