Joanie McCormack

How many clothes do you think you own? How much did they cost? Well, I counted my wardrobe and I have 316 items of clothing, which may seem like a lot. You’re probably thinking I spent a lot on those clothes, too. When you walk into nearly any clothing store, you see jeans for $60, basic T-shirts for $30 and dresses for $55. However, I didn’t spend nearly that much on my wardrobe. Of my 316 pieces, 203 were thrifted for about $3 a piece. For this reason and many more, I realized thrifting is the best way to shop.

I have a massive wardrobe. Isn’t that kind of wasteful? I try to get the most out of my clothes, but the reality is sometimes you get tired of the same clothes or you don’t like how they fit anymore or they’re not realistic.

With thrifting, that’s not a big deal. You pay barely anything, so if you decide you don’t like something, there’s always the possibility of reselling it. Often, I’ll buy clothing for the sole purpose of reselling it. Once, I bought a jacket for $7, and sold it for $160 to increase my college funds. And, of course, there’s always the option of donating the clothing, so someone else can enjoy it!

Another aspect I love about thrifting is you can give old clothes new life. My favorite finds are vintage pieces. I love paying tribute to the fashion before my generation.

Thrifting and reusing like this also limits waste. And, if you shop at a nonprofit thrift store, you’re helping a good cause!

Thrifting isn’t great solely because of practical reasons. It can be totally fun, too! It’s a way to socialize. Plus, there’s nothing better than the thrill of finding a gem! Really, thrifting has so many benefits. It’s a great way to spend a day, and it helps the community. So, next time you’re on your way to the mall, maybe take a detour and try a thrift shop instead!

Joanie McCormack, 14, is a freshman at Wilton Public School, where she is involved in volleyball, basketball, track and field, baseball, speech, band and choir. She enjoys art, music, sports and writing. Joanie is the daughter of Jesse and Cheryl McCormack, who are members of Capital Electric Cooperative.