1 lb. spaghetti
1 lb. bacon
1 package Forager Farm pea shoots*
4 eggs, room temperature
1 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Black pepper
Slice bacon into ½-inch slices and cook. Cook pasta according to package directions, reserving about 1/3 cup warm pasta water. Mix egg, parmesan, pepper and in a large bowl, until the consistency of a thick batter, then add some warm pasta water and stir. Drain spaghetti and add hot to the egg mixture; the combination of warm pasta and its water will cook the egg. Toss in bacon and pea shoots. Serve with more parmesan and fresh cracked black pepper.
* Find Forager Farm pea shoots year-round at the BisMan Community Food Co-op and both Cash Wise Foods locations in Bismarck!
Peas can be added or substituted for the pea shoots, if desired.
Recipe by Hannah Moser, Forager Farm, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member