German Potato Salad

    5    lbs. boiled potatoes, peeled and cut up
   ½    head cabbage, cooked about half done
    1    large onion, chopped
   ¼    cup oil
   ½    cup vinegar
 2/3    cup sugar


Sauté onion in oil. When onion is browned, add vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil. Pour over potatoes and cabbage. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.


EVA’S TIP: Best when made the day before and reheated.

TEST KITCHEN NOTE: This potato salad hits a sweeter note on the palate after the initial zing from the vinegar. Cut the sugar in half (or more) for less sweetness.


RECIPE by Eva Schlepp, Ashley, formerly KEM Electric Cooperative