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Learn how to make maple syrup at Fort Stevenson State Park Saturday, April 8, during Maple Sugaring Day.

school lunch

A new study on the health and well-being of North Dakotans reports slight improvements in overall health, yet social and economic disparities persi

Roxanne Henke

You have five seconds. Name three superheroes. Go! Name three things you can jump on! Go!

Jeff Tweten

Millions of Americans tuned in to the first “Monday Night Football” broadcast of the year.

Brooklyn Hager

Sports can be rewarding in the lives of students.


Akin to a Fitbit for cattle, an ear tag developed by a Fargo-based company is bringing smart technology to the most basic of places – prairie pastu

Al Gustin

The 1950 World Book Encyclopedia, the one my folks bought for us to learn from, includes a 16-page entry on North Dakota.