Josh Kramer

The desire for improved convenience is human nature.

Laura Muggli a junior at Grant County High School, is involved in FFA, Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society and basketball. Laura is the daughter of Tim and Andrea Muggli, members of Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative.

Agriculture is one industry that has accepted women as critical for the future. According to the U.S.

Owner Holly Wilson goes to market each year to order garden décor. Here, the garden décor is in a part of the greenhouse that used to be a horse stable, which adds to its charm and character.

Each spring, Grandma Clara tended to her garden, planting and caring for perennials that surrounded her home.

Perry Hanson carries on his father’s legacy as editor of North Dakota’s basketball bible, “The Hoopster.” Photo by NDAREC/Liza Kessel

Minnesota has hockey. North Dakota has basketball. And no one knew North Dakota basketball better than Don Hanson.

(Photos by NDAREC/Liza Kessel)

Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member Annette Broyles drives 80 miles roundtrip each workday, to get from her home in rural New Salem to her cla


“Go for a walk,” I tell myself. I sigh. I feel lazy. Tired. “Nah,” I answer back.

A monument honoring those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces welcomes visitors to the United Tribes Technical College campus. UTTC is the largest of North Dakota’s five tribal colleges.

North Dakota’s five tribal colleges are prairie gems, describes Dr.

Kidder County High School Principal Michael Wachter leads the anti-vaping charge in his school by focusing on mentorship and recovery, not punishment. Photos by NDAREC/Liza Kessel

“Your kid has done it or seen it done, and I can almost guarantee it,” says Kidder County High School Principal Michael Wachter.

Al Gustin Winter

When the state observed its 100th birthday in 1989, there were similar reflections and speculation, but to a much larger degree.

Anne Kesler

If you ask teens where they plan to live when they get older, they may list places like New York City, Los Angeles, Miami or another popular, glamo