Rejection. It’s a hard word that no one likes to mention in everyday conversation. It’s something we all strive to forget, to pretend it doesn’t exist. We think that if we focus on other issues or things, it’ll magically disappear. We create this mindset that if we don’t think about it, it never happened.
Michaela Reinterson
But it did.
My biological father rejected me as a child. He broke apart my family, and then said he loved me. He ignored me through my growing up years, and then tried to win my affections with gifts. He was never there for me, and so I’ll always have that piece missing from my life. I thought pretending it never happened would make it go away. But that was a lie I was believing for the sake of not having to deal with it, so I wouldn’t have to forgive him. It wasn’t healthy.
To put it bluntly, rejection hurts. The hole we get from the pain of someone dismissing us is something that taints our worldview, and our view of ourselves. But the freedom that comes with knowing you are loved beyond measure by someone who will never abandon you is life-changing.
God loves you. He will never randomly decide one day that you aren’t worth his time and throw you away. He will never say he doesn’t want you. He went through the very same thing you’re dealing with right now. He, too, was rejected by the people. His heart ached for them to come and know him, but he couldn’t force them. Their rejection was their choice. But he knows what you’re feeling, and he understands. He’s wrapping his arms around you, saying “I love you! I will always love you! You don’t understand, I can help you! This pit you’re trapped in, I can carry you out of! I love you, and I want to help you! Just let me, please.”
Restoration from rejection is possible, but until you believe that you are loved by an amazing, unchanging God, there will always be that hole. If you get anything out of this article, I hope that it’s this: You are loved.
Michaela Reinertson, 16, is a junior at Williston High School, where she is involved in women’s choir and the drama team. She is passionate about music, worship arts, reading, writing, sharing her struggles to benefit others, and anything creative. Michaela is the daughter of Ted and Tracee Reinertson, who are members of the Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative.