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N.D. candidates

In election years, North Dakota Living offers its platform as the state’s largest circulated publication to familiarize voters with the ca

yes-no graphics


Josh Kramer

Please get out and vote. Whether you are an early voter or an Election Day voter, North Dakota voters have options. Your voice matters.

Al Gustin

The farm where I grew up and still live was surveyed in 1883.

Layton Northrop

You could drive from Watford City to New York City and the distance would be roughly the equivalent of the miles of roads maintained by McKenzie Co

Andrew Noel

A gardener, quilter and fourth-generation McKenzie County resident living on her grandparents’ homestead.

Julie Garden-Robinson

“What’s to eat?” our kids would say when they were younger and living at home. Actually, they still say that when they visit.

2023 Big iron Farm Show

Construction equipment will be a new addition to the 44th annual Big Iron Farm Show presented by the Cass County Farm Bureau this year.

train derailed and caused a massive fire

On July 5, Carrington Fire Chief Ken Wangen had a call for a “locomotive fire.” When he arrived on scene about 9 miles southeast of Carrington near