Josh Kramer

Please get out and vote. Whether you are an early voter or an Election Day voter, North Dakota voters have options. Your voice matters.

We are inclined to provide a platform for introductions and give statewide candidates an opportunity to reach rural voters through the vast reach of this magazine. In this issue, statewide candidates weigh in on matters important to co-op members, electric cooperatives and the communities we serve.

There is only so much one can say, or learn, within the confines of a word limit. We encourage you to do your own research on the candidates and issues that matter to you. Use this election issue of North Dakota Living as just one resource to help you make informed voting decisions.

It has been said, “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”

Participation in the political process has long been a priority of electric cooperatives. Our organization does not endorse candidates. We do, however, endorse voting. We encourage co-op members to vote and ensure rural issues remain part of the discussion.

While our organization doesn’t endorse candidates, we do take positions on policy and crucial ballot measures. In the 80-plus years of the North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (NDAREC), we have taken positions on some of the most consequential issues for our state and communities. To take a position on a ballot measure is a decision we don’t make lightly.

Our board of directors realizes its responsibility to advocate for complete, solid proposals and oppose those deemed dangerous, rash and consequential. We often sound the alarm on bad policies that threaten the reliability of the electric grid. We must also sound the alarm on the gamble proponents of the property tax measure are willing to make.

A skydiver wouldn’t jump from a plane before locating a parachute. Nor would it be wise to upend tax policy without a foolproof plan in place prior to the leap.

NDAREC urges a NO vote on Measure 4. You can read more about the property tax measure and other statewide ballot measures on page 13. Plus, find a local perspective on Measure 4 from community leaders in McKenzie County on page 14. If you’re looking for more information, check out to learn about the coalition working to oppose the measure and to hear what the proponents have to say.

As you prepare to cast your votes, my fellow North Dakotans, continue to inform yourself on the issues and candidates. View the publications, websites and informational pages at your disposal. Attend townhall meetings. Compare notes with your friends and neighbors. And, if you find yourself in a conversation with someone you may not agree with, please disagree responsibly and respectfully.

Josh Kramer, editor-in-chief of North Dakota Living, is executive vice president and general manager of NDAREC. Contact him at