RECIPE by Kiera Yoder, Chet Yoder’s daughter, Father’s Farm, Northern Plains Electric Cooperative member
RECIPE by Marlo Anderson, National Day Calendar founder
RECIPE by North Dakota Living test kitchen
MERRILL PIEPKORN’S FAVORITE DESSERT RECIPE by Sharon Asplund, from a community cookbook created by the mothers of the Wilton band
Recipe by Jason Bentz, Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative and Innovative Energy Alliance Cooperative
Recipe by Eric Sieg
Burke-Divide Electric Cooperative employee
Recipe by Lisa Rossow, KEM Electric Cooperative employee
Recipe by Spirit Lake Food Distribution Program, served by Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
RECIPE by Meigan Cameron, Capital Electric Cooperative member
Recipe adapted by North Dakota Living test kitchen
Recipe adapted from NDSU Extension
Find more herb recipes at and navigate to the “Resources” section and then “Herbs.”
RECIPE by North Dakota Living test kitchen
RECIPE by Alfredo and Tabatha Lugo, The Jolly Jalapeno
RECIPE from NDSU Extension’s “A Pocket Guide to Meals in the Field”
RECIPE by Eva Schlepp, Ashley, formerly KEM Electric Cooperative