Josh Kramer

Take a minute to think of your own examples of a long-game focus. Who are the people, leaders, organizations, businesses and institutions that choose the long game – exhibiting patience, thoughtful long-term planning – and collectively work toward the bigger picture or larger goal. They have the self-control to decline the quick, easy or trendy that provide mere short-term gratification.

Josh Kramer

They are “goated.”

If you’re like me, this phrase might be a bit puzzling. I often hear my kids refer to a person as “goated.” As a farm kid, I understand what a “goat” is, but the first few times I heard it, I had to pry and make sure I heard correctly. Apparently, being called “the G.O.A.T.” or “goated” is quite the compliment these days.

Josh Kramer

The seeds we sow. That’s the thought that comes to mind as we inch closer to spring and the start of a new growing season.

We are all hoping for a spring of satisfactory moisture, germination and bountiful opportunities for a prosperous year. March is National Agriculture Month, and we can’t say thanks enough to those who contribute to the production and harvesting of the food, fiber and energy resources needed to sustain life across the globe.

Josh Kramer

Imagine what our state would be like without electric cooperatives.

As it was 75 years ago and still is today, electric cooperatives play a vital role in North Dakota’s economy and local communities. Electric co-ops were built by and belong to the members we serve. We are united in a common goal – improving quality of life for cooperative members. Electric cooperatives do this by both supporting communities and the people we serve and providing safe, affordable and reliable electric service.

Josh Kramer

I recently read an article in which a large national food distributor proclaimed its “big step” toward reducing its carbon footprint.

This company, to remain nameless, declared it would maximize supply chain efficiencies and make significant progress toward its environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals by dramatically reducing its fleet mileage.

“When food is traveling fewer miles, everyone wins,” the company said.

Sounds good, right? Everyone wins! Or do we?

Hold that thought.

Josh Kramer

As you grow older, time seems to speed up.

Did you, like me, hear that phrase spoken when you were growing up? I’m really starting to understand it now.

It is hard to believe we are entering the last month of 2021. Soon, another year will pass. Several thoughts race through my mind. I make mental notes of the dozens of things left to do, both at work and at home. (Heck, I haven’t even tuned up the snowblower yet, I remind myself.)

Josh Kramer

We take care of each other. That’s it!

The we-take-care-of-each-other mindset, in my opinion, must be present for teams, organizations, cooperatives, communities, groups, families or even society to be successful.

As I was reflecting on this theme, I did what any inquisitive mind might do: I “Googled” it. And guess what, my search revealed a quote from someone I greatly admire and respect – who sadly passed away a mere day before I wrote this editorial – Gen. Colin Powell.

Josh Kramer

I have a challenge, or two, for our readers this month. (Or maybe a “dare” sounds more intriguing?)

As you wait with bated breath, let me say that October is Co-op Month. We celebrate the drive all cooperatives share for serving their members and helping our communities thrive.

This brings me to my first challenge: Tell one person what it means to be a co-op member. (Bonus points if you tell more than one person.)

“I found an older woman” was the first thing he shared. “Oh, really?” I replied. “Yup, she is 11, I’m 9, but that’s OK. Age doesn’t matter.”

He went on to say, “After asking her to dance a third time, she finally said yes. And she sat across from me at the banquet, too, you know. I used my best pick-up line and it worked.”

It appeared our son was quickly learning the values of patience and persistence, too.