Recipe by Maartje Murphy, Northern Plains Electric Cooperative member
Recipe by Marvin Baker
Recipe by Dave and Wanda Muehler, Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative members
RECIPE by Julie Garden-Robinson, NDSU Extension
Recipe courtesy the N.D. Beef Commission and the Beef Checkoff
Recipe by Stacy Nelson-Heising, Cottonwood Farm and Cider House
Recipe by North Dakota Living test kitchen
RECIPE by Mrs. Kenneth Kjonaas, Glenburn, Verendrye Electric Cooperative, REC Family Cookbook
RECIPE by the Marshal (Andrea) Albright family, president/CEO, Cass County Electric Cooperative
RECIPE from NDSU Extension’s “A Pocket Guide to Meals in the Field”
RECIPE from the 1971 “North Dakota Rural Electric Magazine Cook Book,” courtesy of Mrs. Walter Streifel, a Baker Electric Cooperative (now Northern Plains Electric Cooperative) member from Esmond
RECIPE by Millie Wald, Zeeland, formerly KEM Electric Cooperative
RECIPE by the 3 Farm Daughters – Annie Gorder, Mollie Ficocello and Grace Lunski, Nodak Electric Cooperative
Recipe by Darlene (Leroy) Musland, Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative
Recipe by Dixie Brown
McKenzie Electric Cooperative member
Recipe by Carrie Gerving, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member