Members of North Dakota’s electric cooperatives outside the U.S. Capitol during NRECA’s 2019 Legislative Conference. NDAREC PHOTO

N.D. legislative recap

Co-workers Abdirahim Ahmed and Henry Bajebo at work on the manufacturing floor. Photo by NDAREC/Liza Kessel

Henry Bajebo, a Liberian refugee, has endured similar tragedy. Bajebo watched his father die at the hands of a rebel soldier.


“What’s going on?” I asked. And then I listened. Her problems were not new. She’d been wrestling with these same issues for years.

 Tim Noteboom, a home inspector for 18 years in the Fargo-Moorhead area, is known as “Mr. Fix It” on KFGO. He answers caller questions on his monthly segment heard on KFGO’s midday program, “It Takes 2 with Amy and JJ.” PHOTOS COURTESY KFGO Radio



The season went on, with wins and losses. Each day, we learned something new, and we started to play better as a team.

The Red River Valley Fair will include lots of thrills, with free shows and new carnival rides this year. Courtesy Photo

“We try offering a great lineup of entertainment. Once you get on grounds, there are so many things to do that are free.


When agriculture became mechanized and gas-powered tractors replaced animal power, that changed. Energy became an expense.


“Come up with a strategy first,” says Kim Schmidt, public relations and digital communications manager for N.D. Tourism, a division of the N.D.

Small businesses play an integral role in tourism, greeting visitors to their communities. PHOTO COURTESY N.D. TOURISM.

At the N.D. Department of Commerce Tourism Division, we work hard to tell the stories that sell the trips.