Lori Capouch

“I don’t know that we could have did it without her,” says Corey Hart, a Bowdon area rancher who in 2010 desired to have a local meat processing fa

Al Gustin

June’s National Dairy Month observance finds me thinking about North Dakota’s dying dairy industry and all the dairy stories I’ve done these past 5

Roxanne Henke

At a wedding years ago, the DJ said, “All married couples, get on the dance floor.” I dragged my husband away from a conversation, and we were soon

Josh Kramer

Rural character is shaped by storytelling and keeping alive the memories of the past.

Juneberry Crumble

Each growing season, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative member Diane Schmidt picks more than 500 pounds of chokecherries and sells over 700 pounds o

Hailey Beam and Emma Kleingartner

The clock ticks past 7 a.m. as the whooshing of casting lines simultaneously erupts. Plop. Plop. Plop.

Three Sisters Tacos

Earthlodge people were primarily farmers along the Upper Missouri River.